Ecological behaviour in the office, just like at home!

At work and at home, we need heating, lighting, supplies and so on. Whereas at home we take the right steps quite intuitively, at the office it is sometimes more difficult. Here are a few suggestions to help you! Ecological behaviour in the office, just like at home!


Reduce the power consumption of your computer
In standby mode, your computer still uses 20 to 40% of the energy it consumes when on. So you might as well turn it off whenever you can: during your lunch break, during meetings (as soon as they last longer than an hour), in the evening, etc. Add a socket with a switch and you can switch off the power completely in the evening when you leave.
Because even if your computer is switched off, it still consumes power when connected to an active socket!

Prefer multifunctional printers
A multifunctional printer that serves as a printer, copier and scanner is cheaper than separate devices. If you only have limited printing needs, an inkjet printer is suitable. Laser printers require preheating, but are useful for large print runs.

Choose cartridges with a long service life and return them to the manufacturer for recycling. Need help finding compatible cartridges and toners for your printer? Use the selection tool:

For large volumes of copy, use the photocopier instead of the printer, and only turn on your equipment when you need it.

Print in draft mode to use less ink or in black and white, double sided if possible.


Wooden desks
Wood is the most durable material there is, and a must in interior design. Naturalness is the trend in the office as well as at home. Choose office furniture made of wood from sustainably managed forests.
View all desks

Eco-friendly supplies
Pens: small indispensable everyday objects, pens can be eco-friendly too!

Paper: choose paper with a minimum impact on the environment. The logos on the packaging inform you about the product's origin and concept.

An example: Rey Office paper, PEFC certificate 10-31-179, has the European Ecolabel and is ISO 9706 certified.

See recycled paper reams

Repositionable notes: essential on a desk for jotting down info in the heat of the moment! Our recommendation: 100% recycled notes and notebooks!

Air purifying plants!
Cleaning products, heating appliances, photocopiers, dust mites... these are just a few factors that pollute the air we breathe every day at work and at home! How can we counter-attack? Adopt depolluting plants: aesthetic and environment-friendly, they will help you purify your office and relax those around you. Some suggestions: azalea, cyclamen, anthurium, begonia...


Heating and air conditioning
It is both the largest consumption item in companies and a factor of well-being for employees. Here are a few tips for a good balance.

In winter: set the temperature at 19°C rather than 20°C as we often tend to do. This measure saves 7% of the heating consumption. Depending on the exposure of your office to sunlight, you can also adjust the heating to avoid having to open the windows in the middle of winter...

In summer: to limit air conditioning consumption and keep a room cool for as long as possible, open windows early in the morning and close them before the heat gets in again. Close blinds and windows during hot hours. If air conditioning is essential, set it to a maximum of 4°C below the outside temperature without going below 26°C to avoid thermal shock.
See heaters
See air conditioners and air coolers

10 minutes of unnecessary lighting 3 times a day is equivalent to 5 days of continuous lighting in a year! So don't forget to switch off the light if you don't need it.

Replace energy consuming bulbs, such as incandescent bulbs, with compact fluorescent bulbs.

Start by choosing the right place for your desk. Do not place it near a window where it will be too cold in winter and too hot in summer.

A company with 100 employees consumes 2,000 to 5,000 m³ of water per year at a cost of between 6,000 and 15,000 euros (according to the study "Être écocitoyen au bureau", Actions efficaces et bonnes résolutions, published in April 2012). Some simple ways to save water:

  • Turn off the taps properly
  • Install dual-flush toilets
  • Put water savers on taps
  • Repair leaks immediately!